Rabu, 24 Oktober 2012

Seafood Fried Rice

Indonesian cuisine recipes this one is very special. Type of Indonesian food with a distinctive flavor of seafood make Seafood Fried Rice is very much in demand. Fried Rice Recipes like the other recipe is also very easy to do. Suitable as a Recipe for Beginners,
Thus Recipe Fried Rice Recipes Seafood can be used everyday.

Seafood Fried Rice

  1. 2 plates of rice
  2. 25 g shrimp, washed and peeled
  3. 25 g calamari - squid, sliced ​​to form a ring
  4. 25 g Fish Snapper
  5. 1 tbsp tomato Sauce
  6. 1 tablespoon sweet soy sauce
  7. 1 tbsp Oyster Sauce
  8. 5 cloves garlic, finely chopped
  9. 10 g Onions pre
  10. 10 green beans, finely chopped
  11. 10 g peas
  12. 1 whole chicken eggs, beaten
  13. 2 tablespoons cooking oil
  14. Salt and pepper, to taste

for garnish:
tomato, cucumber, lettuce (or other optional)

How to cook:

  1. Heat cooking oil
  2. Saute garlic and onion until fragrant pre
  3. Enter the beaten eggs, stir - stir
  4. Enter the shrimp, calamari - squid and snapper fish, cook until cooked and all ingredients are well blended.
  5. Enter rice. Stir until evenly mixed with other materials
  6. Add tomato sauce, oyster sauce, salt, pepper, soy sauce. Stir until evenly mixed. Sample
  7. Enter the beans and peas. Stir - stir fry cooked rice

Serve with sliced ​​tomatoes, sliced ​​cucumbers, and lettuce
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Special Fried Rice Recipe

Fried Rice Recipe is one of many dishes in Indonesia the most demanding. How not to nearly every corner in Indonesia would see the name sellers fried rice. This indicates when the people we love and love to eat fried rice. Different types of fried rice were offered ranging from special, specials, chaotic, until a just use egg omelet. Each - each trader must have its own fried rice recipe which can certainly shake up the tongue so that the interested buyers to return the original place of purchase. Create curious how to make fried rice that can shake up the tongue read the following guidelines.

However, practice recipes that we made a good idea to copy the first in a note that when purchasing materials needed are not forgotten. Materials can be anything such as a mixture of shrimp, beef meatballs, and chicken meat. To add to the flavor can be added with pickled cucumbers and carrots.

There is no person who does not like to consume fried rice, even in Indonesia, everyone loved it. Some like to buy the wayside but others make their own fried rice at home. Well, for those of you who are confused how to make fried rice so tasteful please read and copy the fried rice recipe that we made the following

fried rice recipe


  1. 2 Rice Dishes
  2. 1 clove garlic
  3. Onion 3 cloves
  4. 2 pieces of red pepper or cayenne pepper to taste refined
  5. Tomato sauce to taste, 1 tablespoon is enough
  6. Pre onion or green onion 1 stick only.
  7. Eggs of the grain
  8. Sesame oil 2 tbsp
  9. Ground pepper to taste
  10. Salt to taste

How to Make:

  1. Pour cooking oil in a pan and heated, enter one by one ingredient such as sesame oil, garlic, onion, and peppers are mashed until soft and fragrant
  2. Enter compounds such as chicken, shrimp, meatballs and stir until cooked to taste or
  3. Add the eggs cook until the clot is small - small.
  4. Enter the white rice mixed well, add tomato sauce, salt, and pepper, stirring until blended with herbs.
  5. The fried rice is ready to serve, if necessary, add decorations such as tomatoes, pickled cucumbers, and red pepper slices.

Number of servings (yield): 2

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Selasa, 23 Oktober 2012

How Old Children Perhaps Eat Spicy?

For adults, spicy sambal chili sauce or whole can arouse the appetite. There are even some people who do not have appetite to eat when there is no threat. Spicy flavor is due to the compound capsaicin contained in chili.

However, Dr. Tatang Puspanjono, SpA, said, that the chili has protective properties that can protect the stomach from heartburn if consumed in moderation.

See also: Sambal, Evocative taste sensation

Because it's a "challenge", it was a lot of children who come to like chili. It's just that, in fact at what age children should not eat chili or chili?

"Actually, six-year-olds are ready to be introduced with sambal or chili," said Tatang, the seminar "Challenges and Solutions Difficult Child Eating" MRCCC Siloam Hospital, Clover, South Jakarta, Saturday (10/20/2012) then.

See also: Trick Reduce Spicy flavor

At the age of six months are considered child Gastrointestinal ready spicy or sour taste, but in very small amounts. Tatang suggested that the child was introduced to the spicy flavor when they have started eating rice (ages 2-3 years).

"When the child is able to eat the rice, then the stomach is considered completely ready to accept solid foods and food with other flavors," he said.

See also: Enjoying Sambal for the Hold It Spicy

As a first step to introducing chili in children, give the peppers cut in addition to food. However, even if the child is introduced to the spicy taste, you should avoid giving too much spicy food. Frequency gives spicy food will make the child dependent on taste.
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Pregnant Women Do not Eat Crackers, It's The Reason

health food
Snack snacks tasty indeed. However, mothers who are pregnant should avoid it. Eating crisps and biscuits during pregnancy can cause health problems for the baby.

The study revealed that babies born can have a weight lower than average. And expectant mothers who consume food that contains acrylamide, which is found in many foods and coffee in general, also has a small head circumference.

Child's head size was associated with a delayed neurodevelopment, while low birth weight is associated with adverse health effects on children's early life as he grows.

According to the researchers, infants born to mothers with eating foods that contain high levels of acrylamide found 132 grams lighter than babies born to women who eat little.

Effects caused by acrylamide comparable with low birth weight due to maternal smoking, they said. In addition, the baby's head is also 0.33 inches smaller.

Acrylamide is a chemical that is produced naturally in foods as a result of starch-rich foods cooked at high temperatures, like when grilling or frying. A variety of home-cooked and processed foods including crisps, bread, and coffee contain acrylamide, Tuesday (23/10).

"Increased head circumference is an important indication of brain growth and reduced head circumference at birth has been associated with delayed neurodevelopment.

According to researchers, low birth weight is a risk factor for a variety of adverse health effects in early life. This condition is associated with adverse outcomes in later life such as reduced stature, increased heart disease, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and osteoporosis.

The researchers examined the eating patterns of 1100 pregnant women between 2006 and 2010 in Denmark, England, Greece, Norway and Spain.

They used a food frequency questionnaire on maternal and umbilical cord blood checked every baby - which provides information about the levels of exposure to acrylamide during the last months of pregnancy.

Professor John Wright of Bradford Institute for Health Research, added: "This important new study shows a clear link between acrylamide and newborn health," he said.

"The effect of acrylamide comparable to the effect of smoking on birth weight. Our advice to pregnant women is to follow a balanced diet". 
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Various Satay Published in Shanghai

Ten kinds of satay with some Indonesian specialties featured in the Bali Food Festival in Shanghai, China, on August 1 to 20, 2012.

Ten satay served at Aroma Restaurant Grand Hyatt Shanghai, among others, satay wrap (Bali), chicken satay, lamb satay, satay fish, shrimp satay, pork satay skewers and squid. Not only that, Bali Food Festival also serves Indonesian specialties such as goat curry, rendang, curry, spiced fish and pecel.

A number of satay is served complete with peanut sauce, seasoning sauce. Especially for satay chicken wrap is also featured with shredded, and sambal lawar matah.

Sate and some Indonesian specialties were formulated and presented specifically for the Shanghai by two chefs from Indonesia, namely Sujono and Sugiana.

General Manager Grand Hyatt Shanghai, Gottfried Bogensperger said, through culinary international community can get to know each other. "The food and culture is one of the means for us to know each other, especially between people of Indonesia and China," he said.

Bali Food Festival are also getting closer to the people of both nations can understand each other and work together in many ways. "It is also a medium to further promote Indonesia to the people of China, especially Shanghai," he said.

On the same occasion, Indonesian Ambassador to China Imron Cotan concurrently Mongolia said most of the people of China, especially in Beijing had known both of Bali as a tourist destination in Indonesia.

"Even Bali become one of the favorite tourist destinations of Beijing. Yet Indonesia is not only Bali. Lot of interesting places to visit, from Sabang to Merauke. So, please come and take a look around the rest of Indonesia which is not less interesting," he said.

Imron continued, every region in Indonesia has the typical food and culture. "In every region in Indonesia has satay, satay wrap but only in Bali," he said.

"So come and get to know more in Indonesia through food," added Imron.
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5 Great Sin in Eating

A diet is a big influence in changes in body weight. Do not you also do a great sin in eating the food as reported by Quick Easy Fit (23/10) is if you want to maintain the ideal body.

Eating without thinking
Whether it's hungry or tired, eating without thinking will make you enjoy the food or unhealthy snacks. For example, when watching television, feeling sad, to stress. When in fact you're not really hungry, but instead hoard calories with fattening foods.

Eating jumbo
Nothing wrong with enjoying the food as much as possible in a certain event. Such as Eid, Christmas, or celebrations and other family gathering. But if every time you eat the jumbo but it is not offset by strenuous physical activity habits are a major sin in eating food.

Bad eating plan
Work keep you busy and lazy to cook. Finally, every day you are only going to buy dinner out. These include poor eating plan. Because besides affecting body weight, food purchased outside as well as more salt that can trigger high blood pressure on you.

Calories in liquid
Like to enjoy soft drinks, instant juice, or other drinks taste? Apparently these habits is also included major sin in eating food. Because the drinks also contain calories high enough. Rather than reproduce calorie drinks, better enjoy healthy water body.

Eating instant meals
Instant food or fast food is clearly not so much contain fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Eating these foods will only make you too easy to gain weight. Even nutrition experts everywhere will forbid you to eat instant food or fast food to excess.

That is the cardinal sin in eating food. Make sure you do not do it for the sake of the ideal body weight as well as maintain health!
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Defeat "Mood Swing" with food

It is undeniable that the diet has a significant effect on mood. What we eat will trigger the release of neurotransmitters and hormones that affect mood. However, the wrong choice of food could make your mood worse, and interfere with your diet program. To that end, picky food to eat first to address a particular mood, that mood is not getting worse.
1. Anxious
You can divert anxiety with Brazil nut snacking. It contains many types of beans and the mineral selenium to the brain that plays an important role in reducing depression. The addition of selenium intake in the diet will help eliminate anxiety, and mood altering. In addition to Brazil nuts, other foods that can overcome anxiety is tuna, garlic, and mushrooms.

2. Stress
Foods that contain high levels of vitamin C was able to cope with anxiety, such as peppers and oranges. High content of vitamin C in the diet can reduce levels of cortisol (a stress hormone) by increasing blood sugar more. Foods high in vitamin C is not only used to relieve stress, but also prevent stress. Adequate intake of vitamin C every day will be able to control the release of the hormone cortisol.

3. Restless
If you're nervous, cherry juice could be the right solution. Cherries contain melatonin (a hormone that regulates sleep time) high which helps regulate a person's biological clock to get some rest. At rest, the brain will be more relaxed and reduce anxiety.

4. Not concentrations
Concentration often feel when you're on the move? Consumption of any variety of colorful fruits, such as plums, pineapple, and cranberry. These fruits contain antioxidants to fight free radicals that damage the brain nerves. Brain nerve-maintained will help improve concentration.

Meanwhile, to improve focus, eat only foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids such as salmon. Medical Journal of the American Academy of Neurology reported that a lack of omega 3 intake not only lowers the ability to solve problems and think critically, but also potentially reduce brain volume.

5. Angry
Serotonin is a hormone that acts to control anger. Low serotonin levels in the body will make the person has difficulty to control his anger. Unfortunately, serotonin can not be synthesized in the body directly. Help from tryptophan is necessary to regulate the formation of serotonin in the body. One of the foods that can be used to reduce anger is bananas, because of the high content of tryptophan.

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Should Children Eat Organic Food?

health food
Supposedly organic food is healthier than non-organic, because organic foods are grown without exposure to pesticides, fertilizers, antibiotics, or growth hormones. Thus, children should eat organic food?

The latest report on organic food and nutritional needs of children referred to the child should not eat organic food, necessary because the children are nourished. Children are advised to eat fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat milk, regardless of whether the food is organic or not. Similarly, the opinion of Dr. Janet Silverstein, a member of the committee nutrients in the American Academy of Pediatrics, which is involved in a research report, as quoted by LiveScience, Tuesday (10/23/2012). The report was released at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Pediatrics in New Orleans.

Research on organic foods is still very limited, so the report recommends continued research on the potential health benefits of organic food. Moreover, studies conducted by the American Academy of Pediatrics has not found significant differences on the nutritional value of organic foods and non-organic. In addition, there is also no research on the effects of eating organic foods for a long time.
The report prepared by collecting dozens of research articles on organic food and conventional food in recent decades. The focus is on the study of related new nutrition and pesticides on food.

In some studies mentioned organic foods have more vitamin C and phosphorus than conventional food. However, a report in the American Academy of Pediatrics says there is no evidence that the differences were significant for the health of children.

It is true that organic foods have high levels of exposure to low levels of pesticides. However, it remains unclear whether these differences affect a person's health over time.

"But we know that children, especially children whose brain is developing, vulnerable to chemical exposure," says Dr. Joel Forman, another author of the report.

When washing vegetables or fruit with water, it removes the content of pesticides, but not all of the content of pesticides shed. Yet evident how pesticide exposure against people who eat them.

Many people also choose to drink organic milk to avoid milk from cows given growth hormones in conventional farming. However, the specific growth hormone for cows is not believed to have a biological effect on humans. Moreover, the bovine growth hormone will be degraded in the human stomach acid.

Sometimes cows given the hormone steroid, a kind of estrogen, to increase muscle mass and accelerate growth. So is there any effect of these hormones in cow's milk? The report has not yet seen its association, so that exposure to estrogen through cow's milk should be clarified through research.

Organic farms avoid the use of antibiotics in farm animals, so the meat is relatively free of bacteria that are resistant to the drug. But the proper way to cook suspected to reduce the risk exposure to the bacterium. But the fact remains there is a disease caused by bacteria that are resistant to the drug.

Generally, people choose to consume more organic food for environmental reasons rather than health reasons. Because the reduced use of pesticides, the organic products are more environmentally friendly.

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Fried Rice

Fried rice is a food in the form of rice and stir fried in cooking oil or margarine, typically plus soy sauce, onion, garlic, tamarind, pepper and other spices, such as eggs, chicken, and crackers. There are also other types of fried rice made ​​with salted fish is also popular in Indonesia.

Fried rice is also known as the national dish of Indonesia. Of the many treasures cuisine dishes in Indonesia, there is little that can be considered a true national dish. Indonesia's national dish knows no social class boundaries. Fried rice can be enjoyed simply on roadside stalls, vending carts, up to the restaurant and the buffet table at the party.
In 2011, an Internet poll conducted by CNN International and attended by 35,000 people put Nasi Goreng at number two in the list of '50 most delicious food in the world 'after rendang.

Rice is an important part of traditional Chinese cuisine, according to historical records already existed since 4000 BC. The fried rice and then spread to Southeast Asia brought by Chinese nomads who settled there and created local typical fried rice based on differences in spices and how to fry. Fried rice actually comes from several properties in Chinese culture, who do not like cold food tasting and also a few days before the rest of the food. Hence, the cold rice and then fried to serve again at the dinner table.
There are different kinds of fried rice recipe but the main element is rice, cooking oil, soy sauce. In addition, many other extras that may be included, ranging from vegetables, meat, until the chili, sauces, crackers and fried eggs.

Fried rice can be eaten at any time, and many people of Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and eat it for breakfast, usually use leftover rice meal the night before. Rice is used to make fried rice is steamed first and then allowed to cool, thus the reason for using steamed rice the day before.

Street vendor
A street vendor cooking fried rice cart. The hawkers night often along residential areas of Jakarta.
Although most of the Indonesian made ​​fried rice for breakfast, food is also a popular choice for late-night meals are sold by street vendors, food stalls, and hawkers carts are often down residential area in Indonesia. Fried rice is always cooked directly under orders per serving, because the cook usually will ask spiciness level fried rice to the buyer; regular, medium, spicy, or very spicy. The level depends on the amount of a given pepper sauce or later. Sometimes also servings of fried rice cooked in large quantities at a time when the fried rice with the same level of spiciness ordered at the same time.
The cook may also be asked about the eggs; blended with rice or split the egg (fried) or fried egg (omelette). The term special use means egg fried rice is to use two eggs per serving, one mixed with rice and other cooked separately in the form of omelets or fried. In addition to fried rice, vendor carts usually include fried noodles, boiled noodles, and fried Shahe fen.

In the Netherlands, Indonesian cuisine is common because of the historical colonial ties with Indonesia. Indonesian Migrants provide Indonesian dishes to eat in the restaurant or taken home. Version of fried rice to take home easily found in supermarkets. Stores take home and a Chinese restaurant also provides fried rice, plus a wide selection of Indonesian dishes, but with Cantonese flavor. In Flanders, the name of the fried rice is often used to refer to the style fried rice of any Asian country.

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Senin, 22 Oktober 2012

Famous Indonesian Cuisine

If you are one of those who have a culinary hobby or you are an expert on food, Indonesian food specialties will never end to be explored. Because it is in fact a typical Indonesian cuisine is manifold compared to the range of cuisine from any country.

The diversity of cuisine specialties Indonesia became one of the attractions for foreign tourists to Indonesia made as their tourist destination. Many Indonesian cuisine specialties whose name was worldwide, among others

1. Soto

good food
Soto is one of the typical Indonesian cuisine dishes that are now known to the world. These foods made ​​from meat and vegetable broth. The meat used is chicken or beef. Uniquely, in Indonesia there is a soup not only because each region has a signature soup dishes such as soto Betawi for areas of Jakarta, Soto Bandung, soto Padang, soto Banjar, Coto Makassar. Soto also has different names depending on their content such as soto ayam, tripe soup, soto kambing.

2. Gudeg
good food

Gudeg is Indonesian cuisine including specialties from Jogjakarta area. Gudeg made ​​from young jackfruit cooked with less coconut milk. Need you know the one dish that is very attractive to tourists who come to the city of Jogjakarta.

3. Satay
Satay is a food with meat ingredients are cut into small pieces and impaled on bamboo and baked in the embers of the fire. Sate served with condiments such as sauces typically derived from soy bean chilli plus. Then you can eat satay with warm rice or rice cake adjust to your taste.

4. Meatballs
Meatballs is a food that is also derived from the basic ingredients of meat, plus the difference between the meatballs with flour and then shaped like a ball. Meatballs are usually made ​​with ground beef mixed with tapioca and served with gravy trademark. The area is famous for its cuisine Indonesian specialties such as meatballs are regional Solo and Malang. However, outside the area and even then you can easily find the meatballs because now spread to almost all regions of Indonesia.

With a wealth of culinary in Indonesia in addition to those mentioned above as batagor, mushroom food, rice lead to thousands of typical Indonesian cuisine Indonesian specialties in each region will be able to become a true culinary tourist destination.Meatballs is a food that is also derived from the basic ingredients of meat, plus the difference between the meatballs with flour and then shaped like a ball. Meatballs are usually made ​​with ground beef mixed with tapioca and served with gravy trademark. The area is famous for its cuisine Indonesian specialties such as meatballs are regional Solo and Malang. However, outside the area and even then you can easily find the meatballs because now spread to almost all regions of Indonesia.

With a wealth of culinary in Indonesia in addition to those mentioned above as batagor, mushroom food, rice lead to thousands of typical Indonesian cuisine Indonesian specialties in each region will be able to become a true culinary tourist destination.
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Food For Healthy Heart

healthy food
The heart (Latin, cor) is a hollow, muscular organ cavity which pumps blood through the blood vessels by repeated rhythmic contractions. The term cardiac means related to the heart, from the Greek cardia for the heart. The heart is one organ that plays a role in the human circulatory system.

The heart is one of the vital organs of the body whose function is to pump blood throughout the body clean and dirty blood to the lungs. If there is interference with the function of the heart pumping blood to be disturbed even result in death.

There is no better response to prevent disease and heart attacks, in addition to a healthy lifestyle (such as frequent waking early, not often stay up too late at night, and avoiding cigarettes and alcoholic beverages), healthy diet (emphasis on eating fibrous foods and bersayur, and do not eat too much fatty food and high cholesterol), and regular exercise, and not excessive. However, there are some substances that are believed to be able to reduce or increase the risk of disease and heart attacks, among other things:

• Some researchers say that the substance allicin found in garlic may help maintain heart health. The study suggests that by virtue substance allicin, vascular tension is reduced 72%. However, some other researchers have also stated that there was no relationship between garlic to heart health. In a study conducted on 90 smokers body fat, European researchers found that the addition of garlic powder for 3 months showed no changes in their cholesterol levels or other signs of heart disease risk
• Studies show that reducing smoking does not reduce the risk of heart disease. To truly reduce the risk of heart disease, one should really stop smoking.
• The discovery, published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology reveals consumption of vitamin C supplements may reduce the risk of heart disease.

• Research has shown that reducing salt intake can reduce the risk of heart disease. Consumption of salt can increase blood pressure. At low salt diet experiment showed the risk of heart disease by up to 25% and heart attack risk by 20%.
Refrain from bad makananan pattern resulting in coronary heart disease with Herbalife Cellular Nutrition for your heart health.

Heart patients are usually accompanied by excess weight, high cholesterol, and diabetes. The best solution is proper diet, where nutrition is adequate but burn more calories. The best results stick with regular exercise.

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Staple Food

Public Indonesia is the highest rice eaters in the world. To the extent that the government trouble limiting consumption of rice from this rice. Yet if you do not eat rice stuffed just a suggestion. Evidence, some countries make corn, wheat, sago and cassava as a staple food. Let's find the staple food in some parts of the world.

Egypt: Isy
Isy is the staple food for the people of Egypt. Isy shaped like bread, round, and made of wheat. It was like white bread, only more dense and fiber is more pronounced. Isy is usually eaten with grilled chicken, mutton, or fish. How to eat the same as eating bread. Isy dipped in sauce and eaten with a side dish turns. No need to spoon and fork. Once eaten, the Egyptians could spend 3-4 pieces ISY. If you have no rice, ISY was still served.

Brazil: Cassava
Originally cassava or cassava is a staple food of the Brazilian population. But now gaining popularity in the Americas and Africa. Cassava, also known as cassava or manioc, is a tropical and subtropical annual tree of the Euphorbiaceae family. Tuber is widely known as a staple food-producing carbohydrates and leaves as a vegetable.

In Brazil cassava cooked in various ways and are widely used in a variety of cuisines. Usually boiled potatoes to replace and complement the cuisine. Cassava flour can be used to replace wheat flour, and is good for allergy sufferers.

Africa: Cassava
In Nigeria yam cooked in different variations. Several variations of cassava-based dishes commonly eaten Nigerian citizens is the issue (spicy boiled cassava) and iyan (mashed sweet potatoes).

India: Nuts
The staple food of India is atta (whole wheat flour), different kinds of beans, and rice. The most popular type of bean is is MASOOR (lentils), chana (Arabic beans), toor (gude beans), urad (black beans), and green beans. Pulses may be used whole, peeled, halved after the peel (called dal), or beans are mashed into Arabic flour (besan).

Mexico: Corn
Corn starch is a basic ingredient for many staple food of Mexico. Of cornmeal born tacos, burritos, tortillas, tamales, and quesadillas. Mexico assortment knew cornstarch. Because neighboring countries with Uncle Sam's has a variety of corn. In addition to yellow corn, no corn blue, red corn and white corn. Blue corn is often used as the base material for the quesadilla.

Well, what about Indonesia? Besides rice, the staple food consumed especially Indonesian people?

Staple food for Indonesian people is rice. People who used to eat rice as a staple food that the people in the western part of Indonesia such as Java and Sumatra. However, in addition to rice, the staple food of Indonesia other than corn starch and can usually be found in the eastern part of Indonesia, such as Irian Jaya, the dominant sagunya and Sulawesi are dominant with food use corn. The following description of the three nutritional staple food of Indonesian society.

staple food
Rice is rice that has been boiled and ditanak. Besides consumed Indonesia, rice is also eaten most of the population of Asia as the main source of carbohydrates in the daily menu.

Rice as a staple food is usually served as a side dish to complement the flavor and also complement the nutritional needs of a person. Rice can be worked over with other ingredients into new dishes, such as fried rice, yellow rice, or rice Kebuli. Rice can be said for the staple food in Asia, especially Southeast Asia.

As a source of energy, the equivalent of sago rice, maize, cassava, potatoes, and wheat flour. Sago can be used as a potential food source of carbohydrates because abortion remains high at 84.7 gram/100 gram of material.

Unfortunately, sago including food very poor in protein. Sago flour protein content of only 0.7 g/100 g, much lower than rice flour, corn, and wheat. If the terms of the levels of vitamins and minerals too, sago have lower levels when compared with other staples.

Because of the potential nutritional and sago are not as complete as other basic foodstuffs, starch should be consumed together with other materials that better levels of nutrition. The concept of diversification of food consumption as that which has been practiced traditional society Maluku and Papua. They combine sago and fish (as a source of protein) and a variety of vegetables (as a source of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and dietary fiber).

Although in the past some of our communities using corn as a staple food, now more classified as vegetables, snacks, and processed into a side dish. When viewed more closely, the nutritional value of corn is not less than rice. In 100 grams of rice contains 360 calories of energy, equivalent to the energy in corn. Carbohydrate content of corn is also largely composed of starch that can be filling.

Besides the three staple foods, the fact there are some other foods considered potentially be an option as a staple food of Indonesian society, namely potatoes, papeda, bulbs arrowroot, taro, cassava, rice meras, vermicelli and noodles, whole wheat bread, and noodles.

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Minggu, 21 Oktober 2012

10 Health Food

Friends, do you know there are ten 10 super foods that have been proven to fight disease and increase energy. Put the foods into the daily diet can be the fastest trick to get the optimal healthy body.

health food
1. Lemon Why is healthy? Inside the fruit there are more than 100 percent of vitamin C we need every day. Vitamin C works to increase levels of "good" cholesterol HDL and strengthen bones. Plus, flavonoids contained in the lemon can suppress the growth of cancer cells and act as anti-inflammatories weapon.

Tip: Add the chopped lemon in green tea. A study from Purdue Univrsity find, citrus can boost the body's ability to absorb the antioxidants in tea by 80 percent.

health food
2. Why healthy broccoli? One medium stalk of broccoli contains more than 100 percent of vitamin K is needed every day, and nearly 200 percent of the recommended dose of vitamin C. These two nutrients are very important in the formation of our bones. The same serving of broccoli is also capable of being a powerful shield cancer.

Tip: Use the microwave to retain 90 percent of the amount of vitamin C in broccoli. Steaming or boiling technique can only be maintained as much as 66 percent nutrition.

health food
3. Why is dark chocolate healthy? Consume 7 grams of dark chocolate every day can reduce blood pressure. Cocoa powder is rich in flavonoids, antioxidants that are good in reducing cholesterol "bad" LDL cholesterol and increase "good" HDL cholesterol.
This is evidenced in a study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry reported that cocoa powder has now sold eight times more flavonoids than conventional cocoa.
Tip: Dark chocolate bar containing 53.5 mg of flavonoids, whereas milk chocolate bar has only less than 14 mg of flavonoids.

health food
4. Why potatoes healthy? Red potato has 66 micrograms of folate-forming cells, which are equal in number to those found in 30 gram and 91 gram broccoli spinach. In one sweet sweet fruits contain vitamin A eight times more of our daily requirement. This vitamin bermafaat fight cancer and boost the immune system.

Tip: Let the potatoes cool before consumption. The study found this habit will help you burn 25 percent more fat after eating.

health food
5. Salmon why healthier? The natural resources of the sea is very rich in Omega-3 fatty acids are efficacious lower risk of depression, heart disease, and cancer. Eating 85 grams of salmon has been able to provide the required 50 percent of niacin per day. Niacin serves to protect us from attack Alzheimer's and dementia.
Tips: For maximum results, choose wild salmon than farmed.

health food
6. Walnuts healthy Why? Walnuts contains Omega-3 fatty acids, lowering cholesterol, most of the other nuts. Plus, Omega-3 is also asked as a mood enhancer and cancer fighter.

 Tips: asup few walnuts for dessert. Antioxidant content of melatonin in walnuts will help regulate our sleeping hours.

health food
7. Why healthy avocado? The fat in avocados proven koleterol healthy and can reduce up to 22 percent. The avocados have more than 50 percent fiber and 40 percent of folate we need every day, which will reduce the risk of heart disease.

Tip: Add avocado to a salad plate will increase the absorption of key nutrients, such as beta-carotene, up to 3-5 times compared salad without avocado.

health food
8. Why Garlic is healthy? This herb has a powerful disease-fighting power, garlic is able to suppress the growth of bacteria, including ecoli. The content of allicin in this seasoning works as an anti-inflammatory and helps lower cholesterol and blood pressure.

Tips: Mash fresh garlic to get the best allicin. Do not be too long, exposure to hot temperatures more than 10 minutes will make good nutrition in garlic disappears.

health food
9. Why healthy spinach? Lutein and zeaxanthin are two antioxidants in spinach enhancing the immune system is very good for eye health. Studies conducted at the Center for Eye Research in Australia found that a diet rich in these nutrients above will reduce the risk of cataracts. Compared to all the cancer-fighting fruit and vegetables, spinach is one of the "arms" the most effective.

Tip: Because no taste, add spinach in a smoothie. Method: Mix 30 grams of spinach, 110 grams of grated carrot, 1 banana, 1 cup apple juice and ice cubes in a blender until well blended.

health food
10. Why healthy legumes? Eating one serving of legumes (peas, lentils) four times a week can lower your risk of heart disease of up 22 percent. A similar practice can reduce the risk of breast cancer.

Tip: The darker the color, the more antioxidants in these legumes. A study found black beans contains 40 times more antioxidants than white beans.
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About Food

Food is a substance, usually derived from animals or plants, eaten by living beings to power nutrition funds. The fluid used for this purpose are often called drink, but the word 'food' also be used. The term is sometimes used figuratively, such as "food for thought". Adequacy of food can be assessed with anthropometric nutritional status
People needed food usually made through farming or gardening that includes animal and plant sources. Some people refuse to eat foods from animals such as meat, eggs and others. Those who do not like to eat meat and the like are called vegetarians are people who only eat vegetables as their staple food.
In general, foods contain some elements or compounds such as water, carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, enzymes, pigments and others.
Every living creature needs food. Without food, the creature will be difficult in doing daily activities. Food can help us in getting energy, helps the growth of the body and brain. Eating nutritious foods will help our growth, both brain and body. Each food has different nutrients. Protein, carbohydrates, fats, and other nutrients is one example that we get from food.
Each type of nutrient that we get to have different functions. Carbohydrates are a source of energy that we get everyday. One example of carbohydrate-containing foods is rice. Protein is used by the body to help the growth of both our brains and our bodies. Fat is used by the body as food and as a backup reserve of energy. Fat will be used when the body lacks carbohydrates, and fat will break down into glucose, which is very useful for our body when we need energy.
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