Selasa, 23 Oktober 2012

Defeat "Mood Swing" with food

It is undeniable that the diet has a significant effect on mood. What we eat will trigger the release of neurotransmitters and hormones that affect mood. However, the wrong choice of food could make your mood worse, and interfere with your diet program. To that end, picky food to eat first to address a particular mood, that mood is not getting worse.
1. Anxious
You can divert anxiety with Brazil nut snacking. It contains many types of beans and the mineral selenium to the brain that plays an important role in reducing depression. The addition of selenium intake in the diet will help eliminate anxiety, and mood altering. In addition to Brazil nuts, other foods that can overcome anxiety is tuna, garlic, and mushrooms.

2. Stress
Foods that contain high levels of vitamin C was able to cope with anxiety, such as peppers and oranges. High content of vitamin C in the diet can reduce levels of cortisol (a stress hormone) by increasing blood sugar more. Foods high in vitamin C is not only used to relieve stress, but also prevent stress. Adequate intake of vitamin C every day will be able to control the release of the hormone cortisol.

3. Restless
If you're nervous, cherry juice could be the right solution. Cherries contain melatonin (a hormone that regulates sleep time) high which helps regulate a person's biological clock to get some rest. At rest, the brain will be more relaxed and reduce anxiety.

4. Not concentrations
Concentration often feel when you're on the move? Consumption of any variety of colorful fruits, such as plums, pineapple, and cranberry. These fruits contain antioxidants to fight free radicals that damage the brain nerves. Brain nerve-maintained will help improve concentration.

Meanwhile, to improve focus, eat only foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids such as salmon. Medical Journal of the American Academy of Neurology reported that a lack of omega 3 intake not only lowers the ability to solve problems and think critically, but also potentially reduce brain volume.

5. Angry
Serotonin is a hormone that acts to control anger. Low serotonin levels in the body will make the person has difficulty to control his anger. Unfortunately, serotonin can not be synthesized in the body directly. Help from tryptophan is necessary to regulate the formation of serotonin in the body. One of the foods that can be used to reduce anger is bananas, because of the high content of tryptophan.

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