Minggu, 21 Oktober 2012

About Food

Food is a substance, usually derived from animals or plants, eaten by living beings to power nutrition funds. The fluid used for this purpose are often called drink, but the word 'food' also be used. The term is sometimes used figuratively, such as "food for thought". Adequacy of food can be assessed with anthropometric nutritional status
People needed food usually made through farming or gardening that includes animal and plant sources. Some people refuse to eat foods from animals such as meat, eggs and others. Those who do not like to eat meat and the like are called vegetarians are people who only eat vegetables as their staple food.
In general, foods contain some elements or compounds such as water, carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, enzymes, pigments and others.
Every living creature needs food. Without food, the creature will be difficult in doing daily activities. Food can help us in getting energy, helps the growth of the body and brain. Eating nutritious foods will help our growth, both brain and body. Each food has different nutrients. Protein, carbohydrates, fats, and other nutrients is one example that we get from food.
Each type of nutrient that we get to have different functions. Carbohydrates are a source of energy that we get everyday. One example of carbohydrate-containing foods is rice. Protein is used by the body to help the growth of both our brains and our bodies. Fat is used by the body as food and as a backup reserve of energy. Fat will be used when the body lacks carbohydrates, and fat will break down into glucose, which is very useful for our body when we need energy.

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