Rabu, 24 Oktober 2012

Seafood Fried Rice

Indonesian cuisine recipes this one is very special. Type of Indonesian food with a distinctive flavor of seafood make Seafood Fried Rice is very much in demand. Fried Rice Recipes like the other recipe is also very easy to do. Suitable as a Recipe for Beginners,
Thus Recipe Fried Rice Recipes Seafood can be used everyday.

Seafood Fried Rice

  1. 2 plates of rice
  2. 25 g shrimp, washed and peeled
  3. 25 g calamari - squid, sliced ​​to form a ring
  4. 25 g Fish Snapper
  5. 1 tbsp tomato Sauce
  6. 1 tablespoon sweet soy sauce
  7. 1 tbsp Oyster Sauce
  8. 5 cloves garlic, finely chopped
  9. 10 g Onions pre
  10. 10 green beans, finely chopped
  11. 10 g peas
  12. 1 whole chicken eggs, beaten
  13. 2 tablespoons cooking oil
  14. Salt and pepper, to taste

for garnish:
tomato, cucumber, lettuce (or other optional)

How to cook:

  1. Heat cooking oil
  2. Saute garlic and onion until fragrant pre
  3. Enter the beaten eggs, stir - stir
  4. Enter the shrimp, calamari - squid and snapper fish, cook until cooked and all ingredients are well blended.
  5. Enter rice. Stir until evenly mixed with other materials
  6. Add tomato sauce, oyster sauce, salt, pepper, soy sauce. Stir until evenly mixed. Sample
  7. Enter the beans and peas. Stir - stir fry cooked rice

Serve with sliced ​​tomatoes, sliced ​​cucumbers, and lettuce
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Special Fried Rice Recipe

Fried Rice Recipe is one of many dishes in Indonesia the most demanding. How not to nearly every corner in Indonesia would see the name sellers fried rice. This indicates when the people we love and love to eat fried rice. Different types of fried rice were offered ranging from special, specials, chaotic, until a just use egg omelet. Each - each trader must have its own fried rice recipe which can certainly shake up the tongue so that the interested buyers to return the original place of purchase. Create curious how to make fried rice that can shake up the tongue read the following guidelines.

However, practice recipes that we made a good idea to copy the first in a note that when purchasing materials needed are not forgotten. Materials can be anything such as a mixture of shrimp, beef meatballs, and chicken meat. To add to the flavor can be added with pickled cucumbers and carrots.

There is no person who does not like to consume fried rice, even in Indonesia, everyone loved it. Some like to buy the wayside but others make their own fried rice at home. Well, for those of you who are confused how to make fried rice so tasteful please read and copy the fried rice recipe that we made the following

fried rice recipe


  1. 2 Rice Dishes
  2. 1 clove garlic
  3. Onion 3 cloves
  4. 2 pieces of red pepper or cayenne pepper to taste refined
  5. Tomato sauce to taste, 1 tablespoon is enough
  6. Pre onion or green onion 1 stick only.
  7. Eggs of the grain
  8. Sesame oil 2 tbsp
  9. Ground pepper to taste
  10. Salt to taste

How to Make:

  1. Pour cooking oil in a pan and heated, enter one by one ingredient such as sesame oil, garlic, onion, and peppers are mashed until soft and fragrant
  2. Enter compounds such as chicken, shrimp, meatballs and stir until cooked to taste or
  3. Add the eggs cook until the clot is small - small.
  4. Enter the white rice mixed well, add tomato sauce, salt, and pepper, stirring until blended with herbs.
  5. The fried rice is ready to serve, if necessary, add decorations such as tomatoes, pickled cucumbers, and red pepper slices.

Number of servings (yield): 2

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Selasa, 23 Oktober 2012

How Old Children Perhaps Eat Spicy?

For adults, spicy sambal chili sauce or whole can arouse the appetite. There are even some people who do not have appetite to eat when there is no threat. Spicy flavor is due to the compound capsaicin contained in chili.

However, Dr. Tatang Puspanjono, SpA, said, that the chili has protective properties that can protect the stomach from heartburn if consumed in moderation.

See also: Sambal, Evocative taste sensation

Because it's a "challenge", it was a lot of children who come to like chili. It's just that, in fact at what age children should not eat chili or chili?

"Actually, six-year-olds are ready to be introduced with sambal or chili," said Tatang, the seminar "Challenges and Solutions Difficult Child Eating" MRCCC Siloam Hospital, Clover, South Jakarta, Saturday (10/20/2012) then.

See also: Trick Reduce Spicy flavor

At the age of six months are considered child Gastrointestinal ready spicy or sour taste, but in very small amounts. Tatang suggested that the child was introduced to the spicy flavor when they have started eating rice (ages 2-3 years).

"When the child is able to eat the rice, then the stomach is considered completely ready to accept solid foods and food with other flavors," he said.

See also: Enjoying Sambal for the Hold It Spicy

As a first step to introducing chili in children, give the peppers cut in addition to food. However, even if the child is introduced to the spicy taste, you should avoid giving too much spicy food. Frequency gives spicy food will make the child dependent on taste.
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Pregnant Women Do not Eat Crackers, It's The Reason

health food
Snack snacks tasty indeed. However, mothers who are pregnant should avoid it. Eating crisps and biscuits during pregnancy can cause health problems for the baby.

The study revealed that babies born can have a weight lower than average. And expectant mothers who consume food that contains acrylamide, which is found in many foods and coffee in general, also has a small head circumference.

Child's head size was associated with a delayed neurodevelopment, while low birth weight is associated with adverse health effects on children's early life as he grows.

According to the researchers, infants born to mothers with eating foods that contain high levels of acrylamide found 132 grams lighter than babies born to women who eat little.

Effects caused by acrylamide comparable with low birth weight due to maternal smoking, they said. In addition, the baby's head is also 0.33 inches smaller.

Acrylamide is a chemical that is produced naturally in foods as a result of starch-rich foods cooked at high temperatures, like when grilling or frying. A variety of home-cooked and processed foods including crisps, bread, and coffee contain acrylamide, Tuesday (23/10).

"Increased head circumference is an important indication of brain growth and reduced head circumference at birth has been associated with delayed neurodevelopment.

According to researchers, low birth weight is a risk factor for a variety of adverse health effects in early life. This condition is associated with adverse outcomes in later life such as reduced stature, increased heart disease, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and osteoporosis.

The researchers examined the eating patterns of 1100 pregnant women between 2006 and 2010 in Denmark, England, Greece, Norway and Spain.

They used a food frequency questionnaire on maternal and umbilical cord blood checked every baby - which provides information about the levels of exposure to acrylamide during the last months of pregnancy.

Professor John Wright of Bradford Institute for Health Research, added: "This important new study shows a clear link between acrylamide and newborn health," he said.

"The effect of acrylamide comparable to the effect of smoking on birth weight. Our advice to pregnant women is to follow a balanced diet". 
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Various Satay Published in Shanghai

Ten kinds of satay with some Indonesian specialties featured in the Bali Food Festival in Shanghai, China, on August 1 to 20, 2012.

Ten satay served at Aroma Restaurant Grand Hyatt Shanghai, among others, satay wrap (Bali), chicken satay, lamb satay, satay fish, shrimp satay, pork satay skewers and squid. Not only that, Bali Food Festival also serves Indonesian specialties such as goat curry, rendang, curry, spiced fish and pecel.

A number of satay is served complete with peanut sauce, seasoning sauce. Especially for satay chicken wrap is also featured with shredded, and sambal lawar matah.

Sate and some Indonesian specialties were formulated and presented specifically for the Shanghai by two chefs from Indonesia, namely Sujono and Sugiana.

General Manager Grand Hyatt Shanghai, Gottfried Bogensperger said, through culinary international community can get to know each other. "The food and culture is one of the means for us to know each other, especially between people of Indonesia and China," he said.

Bali Food Festival are also getting closer to the people of both nations can understand each other and work together in many ways. "It is also a medium to further promote Indonesia to the people of China, especially Shanghai," he said.

On the same occasion, Indonesian Ambassador to China Imron Cotan concurrently Mongolia said most of the people of China, especially in Beijing had known both of Bali as a tourist destination in Indonesia.

"Even Bali become one of the favorite tourist destinations of Beijing. Yet Indonesia is not only Bali. Lot of interesting places to visit, from Sabang to Merauke. So, please come and take a look around the rest of Indonesia which is not less interesting," he said.

Imron continued, every region in Indonesia has the typical food and culture. "In every region in Indonesia has satay, satay wrap but only in Bali," he said.

"So come and get to know more in Indonesia through food," added Imron.
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5 Great Sin in Eating

A diet is a big influence in changes in body weight. Do not you also do a great sin in eating the food as reported by Quick Easy Fit (23/10) is if you want to maintain the ideal body.

Eating without thinking
Whether it's hungry or tired, eating without thinking will make you enjoy the food or unhealthy snacks. For example, when watching television, feeling sad, to stress. When in fact you're not really hungry, but instead hoard calories with fattening foods.

Eating jumbo
Nothing wrong with enjoying the food as much as possible in a certain event. Such as Eid, Christmas, or celebrations and other family gathering. But if every time you eat the jumbo but it is not offset by strenuous physical activity habits are a major sin in eating food.

Bad eating plan
Work keep you busy and lazy to cook. Finally, every day you are only going to buy dinner out. These include poor eating plan. Because besides affecting body weight, food purchased outside as well as more salt that can trigger high blood pressure on you.

Calories in liquid
Like to enjoy soft drinks, instant juice, or other drinks taste? Apparently these habits is also included major sin in eating food. Because the drinks also contain calories high enough. Rather than reproduce calorie drinks, better enjoy healthy water body.

Eating instant meals
Instant food or fast food is clearly not so much contain fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Eating these foods will only make you too easy to gain weight. Even nutrition experts everywhere will forbid you to eat instant food or fast food to excess.

That is the cardinal sin in eating food. Make sure you do not do it for the sake of the ideal body weight as well as maintain health!
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Defeat "Mood Swing" with food

It is undeniable that the diet has a significant effect on mood. What we eat will trigger the release of neurotransmitters and hormones that affect mood. However, the wrong choice of food could make your mood worse, and interfere with your diet program. To that end, picky food to eat first to address a particular mood, that mood is not getting worse.
1. Anxious
You can divert anxiety with Brazil nut snacking. It contains many types of beans and the mineral selenium to the brain that plays an important role in reducing depression. The addition of selenium intake in the diet will help eliminate anxiety, and mood altering. In addition to Brazil nuts, other foods that can overcome anxiety is tuna, garlic, and mushrooms.

2. Stress
Foods that contain high levels of vitamin C was able to cope with anxiety, such as peppers and oranges. High content of vitamin C in the diet can reduce levels of cortisol (a stress hormone) by increasing blood sugar more. Foods high in vitamin C is not only used to relieve stress, but also prevent stress. Adequate intake of vitamin C every day will be able to control the release of the hormone cortisol.

3. Restless
If you're nervous, cherry juice could be the right solution. Cherries contain melatonin (a hormone that regulates sleep time) high which helps regulate a person's biological clock to get some rest. At rest, the brain will be more relaxed and reduce anxiety.

4. Not concentrations
Concentration often feel when you're on the move? Consumption of any variety of colorful fruits, such as plums, pineapple, and cranberry. These fruits contain antioxidants to fight free radicals that damage the brain nerves. Brain nerve-maintained will help improve concentration.

Meanwhile, to improve focus, eat only foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids such as salmon. Medical Journal of the American Academy of Neurology reported that a lack of omega 3 intake not only lowers the ability to solve problems and think critically, but also potentially reduce brain volume.

5. Angry
Serotonin is a hormone that acts to control anger. Low serotonin levels in the body will make the person has difficulty to control his anger. Unfortunately, serotonin can not be synthesized in the body directly. Help from tryptophan is necessary to regulate the formation of serotonin in the body. One of the foods that can be used to reduce anger is bananas, because of the high content of tryptophan.

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