A diet is a big influence in changes in body weight. Do not
you also do a great sin in eating the food as reported by Quick Easy Fit
(23/10) is if you want to maintain the ideal body.
Eating without thinking
Whether it's hungry or tired, eating without thinking will
make you enjoy the food or unhealthy snacks. For example, when watching
television, feeling sad, to stress. When in fact you're not really hungry, but
instead hoard calories with fattening foods.
Eating jumbo
Nothing wrong with enjoying the food as much as possible in
a certain event. Such as Eid, Christmas, or celebrations and other family
gathering. But if every time you eat the jumbo but it is not offset by
strenuous physical activity habits are a major sin in eating food.
Bad eating plan
Work keep you busy and lazy to cook. Finally, every day you
are only going to buy dinner out. These include poor eating plan. Because
besides affecting body weight, food purchased outside as well as more salt that
can trigger high blood pressure on you.
Calories in liquid
Like to enjoy soft drinks, instant juice, or other drinks
taste? Apparently these habits is also included major sin in eating food.
Because the drinks also contain calories high enough. Rather than reproduce
calorie drinks, better enjoy healthy water body.
Eating instant meals
Instant food or fast food is clearly not so much contain
fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Eating these foods will only make you too easy
to gain weight. Even nutrition experts everywhere will forbid you to eat
instant food or fast food to excess.
That is the cardinal sin in eating food. Make sure you do
not do it for the sake of the ideal body weight as well as maintain health!
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